
The development objective of Livestock Sector Innovation Project are to increase productivity, enhance value addition, and improve climate resilience of smallholder farms and agro-enterprises in selected livestock value-chains in Nepal. This project has four components.

  1. The first component, Strengthening Critical Regulatory and Institutional Capacity, aims to focus on strengthening the ability of the Ministry of Livestock Development (MoLD) and its agencies at the regional, Municipality and village levels, to develop/modify and enforce a policy and regulatory framework that strengthens the livestock sector. It has the following three subcomponents:
    • Policies and Regulatory Framework;
    • Institutional Strengthening; and
    • Establishing Livestock Management Information System.
  2. The second component, Promoting Sector Innovation and Modernizing Service Delivery, aims to enhance the capacity of key stakeholders along the selected livestock supply chains to develop, disseminate and adopt best practices. It has the following three subcomponents:
    • Support to Producers’ Organizations;
    • Modernizing Service and Input Provision Systems; and
    • Strengthening Farmers’ Training and Extension Services.
  3. The third component, Promoting Inclusive Value Chains for Selected Livestock Commodities, seeks to develop a more commercial-oriented approach for selected livestock subsectors and to contribute to import substitution (for dairy products and goat meat) and export promotion (for Chyangra cashmere) by improving the productivity and value addition within the targeted value chains. It has the following two subcomponents:
    • Development of Productive Partnerships (PP); and
    • Financing Livestock Value Chains.
  4. The fourth component, Project Management and Knowledge Generation, aims to support project implementation activities, including operating costs.

Project Development Objectives (PDO)

The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to increase productivity, enhance value addition, and improve climate resilience of sma llholder farms and agro-enterprises in selected livestock value-chains in Nepal.

Project beneficiaries

POs formed & formalized
PCN received
Sub-project financed under call I-III
Sub-project under implementation